2023/2024 — summer semester (study programme in English)

Midterm exam is held after first lecture cycle.

Midterm is written exam worth maximum 26 points, it covers first lecture cycle material, it lasts for 120 minutes, and it usually has questions: 4 worth 2 points each and 6 worth 3 points each

Final exam is held at the end of second lecture cycle, and it consists of a written and an oral part:

  • written part of the final exam is worth maximum 26 points, it covers second lecture cycle material, it lasts for 120 minutes, and it usually has 10 questions: 4 worth 2 points each and 6 worth 3 points each
  • oral part of the final exam is worth maximum 24 points, and it covers entire course material
    • to take oral part of the final exam you need to have at least 18 points of the sum of points from the midterm exam and written part of the final exam (in this sum total result of midterm exam or written part of the final exam is set to zero if negative)
    • threshold for passing oral part of the final exam is 8 points

Precondition for taking final exam and passing the course is successful completion of all lab exercises.

Conditions for passing the course after final exam: minimum 50 total points (lecture activity, homework, lab activity and tests, midterm and final exam) and minimum 8 points on oral part of the final exam.

After final exam we will organize exam periods for students who did not pass the course (summer exam period in July and usually two exam periods in September).

Exam period consists of a written and an oral exam:

  • written exam is worth maximum 52 points, and it covers entire course material, it lasts for 120 minutes, and it usually has 100 questions: 4 worth 4 points each and 6 worth 6 points each
  • oral exam is worth maximum 24 points, and it covers entire course material
    • to take oral exam you need to have at least 18 points on the written exam
    • threshold for passing oral exam is 8 points

Precondition for taking exam periods and passing the course is successful completion of all lab exercises.

Conditions for passing the course on an exam period: minimum 50 total points (lecture activity, homework, lab activity and tests, written exam, oral exam) and minimum 8 points on the oral exam.